Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Walmart Trip

We went to Walmart and saw someone carrying out a kitchen table. Well it was more like a TV tray but I served as a kitchen table to a lot of us at one time or another. My Frou and I were walking in with the chillin's in tow and discovered we could cover more ground if we split up. "But wait I forgot my cell phone" said my wife. "How will you know where to find me?" I thought for a minute dumbfounded. Yes how will I know. In the old days you could shout across the store or take a small stroll down the aisles and find her. Nowadays the stores are the size of 14 football fields stacked end to end with no possible way of her hearing you even if you hijacked one of those special"Overhead Announcement Phone" and you knew the special 48 key code to type in. No we were going to have to do it the old fashioned way. We had to have a plan. So we determined that we would meet at a certain location within a certain time frame and you know what. It worked. Just a sign that my addiction to communication devices can be broken... Hang on, oh my wife is Texting me from upstairs. l8r

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