Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Son wants to have a Hangover.

About 2 years ago I asked Our oldest Daughter if she was going to play with a friend. She continued to tell me, "Dad I don't play with my friends anymore, we hang." So her and her friends now hangout instead of play. I'm Okay with the terminology as long as that is all that my teenager is letting hang out.

Last night was the opening night of the third installment of the Twilight Saga Movie. I now live with 2 Twighhards and they had tickets to the 7 PM showing in which there were already people waiting in line 3 hours earlier.  My Boy asked if he could have one of his friends sleepover at our house. My wife proceeded to "text" me because that's how we now communicate in the 21st Century, asking if My son's friend who's name is Jacob could spend the night, knowing she was not going to be there, was courteously asking if I was okay with that. I replied with a "text" typing in my phone... "Sure I like Jacob better than Edward." No response. Not even a :). It was maybe the best reply that I've had in a few weeks. Epic Fail.

Later in the evening I took My Son, his friend, and our littlest vampire princess to grab a soda and some treats. My son proceeded to tell me and his friend that he didn't like the term "Sleepover" he thought it was too girlie. Being the macho father I agreed and asked what he would prefer to call it. He thought a second and then he said, "Hangover".  Who can argue with that?

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