Saturday, July 24, 2010

Chapter 1-Elvis Has left the Building or at least Utah.

So two and a half weeks ago. I kissed my oldest goodbye and went to work while my best friend and spouse of a recent 17 years put the polishing touches on a large pink suitcase. Inside was packed everything a 15 year old would need for a 2 week journey she was taking with her choir, back to the great state of New York. And back. By bus. She was loaded up with our families summer vacation money and headed off for a great vacation without us. I was excited for her, she has been able to do things and go places that I have often thought about. She has a great talent for singing and has been able to share her talent with many others in which I am grateful. Still I sat around on the 4th day that she was gone to who- knows-where-Missouri, in Utah, bored. We were all watching the 15th re-run of iCarly when I decided to take matters into my own hands. I invoiced a few people that I was doing some business for and bought tickets early Friday morning for a LA Dodgers baseball game against the Chicago Cubs. We left that same afternoon for Vegas. It was about 9 PM when we rolled into Sin City. It must be pretty close to Hades because when I stepped out of the Swagger Wagon my flip flops melted into the blacktop. We jumped onto the next passing metamorphic rock and floated down the lava river to our hotel at the Excaliber.

I left the wife with number 2 and number 3 and went to check in. When I got back I could tell something had happened because the faces I was expecting to see was quite the opposite. Apparently you can't stop to watch the big screen TV with the Baseball game because people are betting on it. Even though the wife was right next to the kids, Security was making sure that no underage hi-jinx were going to be had.  It was okay that a dude was puking into a nearby garbage can but by all means do not let the kids watch baseball. I was starting to think my great plan was starting to unravel. We walked through a smokey casino to the elevator lobby that was housing to 50 people all trying to get to their rooms. Nic shot me a look that I have seen a few times. I too have given that same look before to my dog and his reaction to the look was to tuck his tail between his legs and retreats into his kennel. Retreat works for him so I just decided to follow my dogs example. We got up to the hotel room and things seemed to be in order. Not fancy, but we were just going to be staying for the night, it would do fine, so after I untucked my tail I asked the family if they wanted to go see the Vegas lights at night.

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